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Soccer Field Dimensions

Summary: The dimensions and markings of a soccer field as defined by the Laws of the Game in the �The Field of Play�

A regular game of football is played on a playing surface referred to as soccer field or soccer pitch. The dimensions, markings and goal posts measurement are defined by the standard system Laws of the Game, �The Field of Play�.

Soccer Field Dimensions

The standard tournament soccer field should be 110 � 120 yards in length and 70 � 80 yards in width.  Some constraints are looser, but the most applicable variant is 100 � 130 and 50 � 100 yards. For the metric version, the pitch should be 100 � 110 meters long and 65 � 75 meters wide. While 90 � 120 meters long and 45 � 90 meters wide for non-international matches. The length of the boundary line is referred as touchlines and the shorter lines are goal lines. Obviously, the goal lines are where the goals should be placed. 

The soccer field is divided into halves by a halfway line. On the center of the halfway line (which is also the center of the pitch) is the center circle and center spot. The center circle has the standard measurement of 10 yards or radius of 9.15 meters. This center spot is the starting point for the soccer ball and the center spot indicates the allowable distance the opposing players have to stay during the kick-off.

At every corner, a corner arc marks the area where corner kick balls are stationed prior to the set piece. The corner arc has a quarter circle radius of 1 meter or 1 yard, though no standard are used for measuring, the 1 meter radius is mostly used. Flag posts called corner flags with the minimum height 1.5 meters or 5 feet are placed at every corner. Flag posts may also be placed in 1 meter or 1 yard interval from each end of the halfway line, indicating the side boundaries. These flag posts serve as a marker for the players to determine the boundaries at a distance.

Goalkeepers Area

The shorter boundary line is the goal line. About its center, the goal (structure) is placed. A goal consists of a two upright posts placed equidistant from the center of the goal line. The two upright posts should be 8 yards or 7.32 meters apart and joined by a horizontal crossbar at 8 feet or 2.44 meters above the ground. Nets are placed behind the goals. The goals should be painted in white.

The �6 yard box� is the goal area, consists of a two lines coming from the goal lines and extends 6 yards or 5.5 meters into the pitch where its ends are joined by a line. These lines should be parallel to the touchlines and 20 yards or 25.64 meters apart.

The bigger box is called the penalty area (the 18 yard box) and located exactly where the goal area is except it is much bigger. It extends 18 yards or 16.5 meters into the pitch and joined by a line at 44 yards or 40.32 meters apart.

The penalty spot is in the middle of the penalty area. It is 12 yards or 11 meters away from the goal. A penalty arc is immediately behind the penalty spot a10 yards or 9.15 meters away from the penalty spot.
